Santilli, S., Ginevra, M. C., Di Maggio, I., Soresi, S., & Nota, L. (2023). Construction and initial validation of the scale “Goals for Future Design of the 2030 Agenda”. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 1-20. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10775-023-09626-7
Nota, L., Santilli, S., & Zucchini, D. (2023). Inclusion, Sustainability, and Equity at the Heart of a 5.0 Society. In Design for Inclusion (pp. 59-67). IOS Press.
- Santilli, S., & Hartung, P. J. (2022). Using My Career Story to foster reflective capacity, hope, and narrative change. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences.
Ginevra, M. C., Santilli, S., Di Maggio, I., & Nota, L. (2022). Career interventions with an inclusive perspective for individuals with disabilities and vulnerabilities. In Transition Programs for Children and Youth with Diverse Needs (pp. 127-141). Emerald Publishing Limited. https://doi.org/10.1108/S1479-363620220000018010
- Ginevra, Di Maggio, I., M. C., Santilli, S., & Nota, L. (2021). The role of career adaptability and future orientation on future goals in refugees. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 49(2), 272-286. https://doi.org/10.1080/03069885.2020.1865874
- Ginevra, M. C., Di Maggio, I., Santilli, S., & Nota, L. (2021). Italian adolescents’ understandings of globalization. Journal of Adolescence, 89, 128-136.
- Di Maggio, I., Montenegro, E., Little, T. D., Nota, L., & Ginevra, M. C. (2021). Career Adaptability, Hope, and Life Satisfaction: an Analysis of Adults with and Without Substance Use Disorder. Journal of Happiness Studies, 1-16.
- Lipshits-Braziler, Y., Abessolo, M., Santilli, S., & Di Maggio, I. (2021). Work orientation questionnaire: measurement invariance and criterion validity among Swiss, Israeli, and Italian workers. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 21(1), 187-209.
- Di Maggio, I., Ginevra, M. C., & Nota, L. (2021). The role of psychological capital on human service professionals’ work experiences. Eur. J. Investig. Health Psychol. Educ. 11(3), 639-648; https://doi.org/10.3390/ejihpe11030046
- Nota, L., Soresi, S., Di Maggio, I., Santilli, S., & Ginevra, M. C. (2020). Sustainable Development, in Career counseling and career education. Springer
- Nota, L. (2020) (Ed.), La passione per la verità. Come contrastare fake news e manipolazioni e costruire un sapere inclusivo. Roma. FrancoAngeli
- Soresi, S. & Nota, L. (Eds), Orientamento e progettazione professionale nel XXI secolo. Bologna: il Mulino
- Santilli, S., Di Maggio, I., Ginevra, M. C., & Nota, L. (2020). “Looking to the future and university in an inclusive and sustainable way: A career Intervention for high school students. Advanced Online Publication
- Santilli, S., Ginevra, M. C., Camussi, E., Lodi, E., Nota, L., Patrizi, P. (2020) Courage in childhood: Classifying the actions of courage performed by elementary school students. European Journal of Developmental Psychology. Advanced Online Publication. doi:10.1080/17405629.2020.1822161
- Di Maggio, I., Ginevra, M. C., Santilli, S., & Nota, L. (2020). Investment in higher education: the role of career adaptability, tendency to consider systemic challenges to attain a sustainable development, and hope. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 1926. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2020.019264
- Soresi, S., Nota, L., & Santilli, S. (Eds.) (2019), Il contributo dell’orientamento e del counselling all’Agenda 2030. Padova: CLEUP
- Nota, L., Mascia, M. & Pievani, T. (2019) (Eds.), Diritti umani e Inclusione. Bologna: Il Mulino
- Di Maggio, I., Santilli, S., Nota, L., & Ginevra, M. C. (2019). The predictive role of self-determination and psychological empowerment on job satisfaction in persons with intellectual disability. Advances in Neurodevelopmental Disorders (ANDI), 3, 197-203. doi:10.1007/s41252-019-00110-4
- Ginevra, M. C., Santilli, S., Camussi, E., Magnano, P., Capozza, D., & Nota, L. (2019). The Italian adaptation of courage measure. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance. Advance Online Publication. doi:10.1007/s10775-019-09412-4
- Di Maggio, I., Santilli, S., & Nota, L. (2019). Stories of courage in a group of adults with Substance Use Disorder. Addictive behaviors reports, 10, 100203.
- Santilli, S., Grossen, S., & Nota, L., (2019). Career Adaptability and Life satisfaction in Italian and Belgium middle school students. Journal of Development Quarterly.
- Nota, L., Di Maggio, I., Santilli, S. (2019). Verso un orientamento inclusivo e sostenibile. Rivista di Scienze dell’Educazione, 2.
Di Maggio, I., Shogren, K. A., Wehmeyer, M. L., Nota, L., & Sgaramella, T. M. (2019). Career Adaptability, Self-Determination, and Life Satisfaction: A Mediational Analysis With People With Substance Use Disorder. Journal of Career Development, 0894845319847006.
- Santilli, S., Ginevra, M. C., Di Maggio, I., & Nota, L. (2019). Developing and promoting inclusion from kindergarten to university. In K. Scorgie & C. Forlin (Eds.), Promoting Social Inclusion: Co-creating Environments that Foster Equity and Belonging (pp. 55-71). Bradford, UK, Emerald.
- Ginevra, M. C., Soresi, S., Nota, L., Ferrari, L., & Solberg, S. (2019). Career guidance for persons with disabilities. In J. A. Athanasou & H. N. Perera (Eds.), International Handbook of Career Guidance (2nd edition). New York: Springer
- Santilli, S., Ginevra, M. C., Di Maggio, I., & Nota, L. (2019). Developing and promoting inclusion from kindergarten to university. In K. Scorgie & C. Forlin (Eds.), Promoting Social Inclusion: Co-creating Environments that Foster Equity and Belonging (pp. 55-71). Bradford, UK, Emerald.
- Nota, L., & Soresi, S. (2018) (Eds.). Counseling and Coaching in Times of Crisis and Transitions: From Research to Practice. Abingdon, Oxford: Routledge
- Cohen-Scali, V., Rossier, J., & Nota, L. (2018) (Eds.). New Perspectives on Career Counseling and Guidance in Europe Building Careers in Changing and Diverse Societies. Cham: Springer.
- Hartung, P. & Santilli, S. (2018). “My Career Story: An Autobiographical Workbook for Career Intervention”. Journal of Career Assessmen, 26, 308-321
- Ginevra, M. C., Magnano, P., Lodi, E., Annovazzi, C., Camussi, E., Patrizi, P., & Nota, L. (2018). The role of career adaptability and courage on life satisfaction in adolescence. Journal of Adolescence, 62, 1-8. doi:10.1016/j.adolescence.2017.11.002
- Nota, L., Ginevra, M. C., & Soresi, S. (2018). School inclusion of children with developmental disability: An intervention program. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability. Advance Online Publication. doi:10.3109/13668250.2018.142878
- Ginevra, M. C., Annovazzi, C., Santilli, S., Di Maggio, I., & Camussi, E. (in press). Breadth of vocational interests: The role of career adaptability and future orientation. Career Development Quarterly
- Soresi, S., Ginevra, M. C., Sgaramella, T. M., Ferrari, L., & Nota, L. (2018). Peer tutoring for university students with disability: Tutors’ and tutees’ benefits. In S. Pace, M. Pavone, D. Petrini (Eds.), UNIversal Inclusion. Rights and Opportunities for Students with Disabilities in the Academic Context (pp. 191-197). Milano: Franco Angeli. ISBN: 9788891761682
- Nota, L., Ginevra, M. C., Santilli, S., Di Maggio, I., & Soresi, S. (2018). Life Design and career construction in children. In J. A. Ferreira, M. Reitzle, & E. Santos (Eds.), Development in context. Festschrift for Fred Vondracek (pp. 161-193). Coimbra: University of Coimbra Press. ISBN: 9789892614502; doi:10.14195/978-989-26-1451-9_5
- Santilli, S., Ginevra, M. C., Nota, L., & Soresi, S. (2018). Decent work and social inclusion for people with disability and vulnerability: From the soft skills to the involvement of the context. In V. Cohen-Scali, J. Pouyaud, V. Podgorna, M. Podgorni, G. Aisenson, J. L. Bernaud, I Moumoula, & J. Guichard (Eds.), Interventions in Career Design and Education. Transformation for Sustainable Development and Decent Work (pp. 303-313). New York: Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-91968-3
- Ginevra, M. C., Soresi, S., Nota, L., Ferrari, L., & Solberg, S. (2019). Career guidance for persons with disabilities. In J. A. Athanasou & H. N. Perera (Eds.), International Handbook of Career Guidance (2nd edition). New York: Springer
- Ginevra, M. C., Sgaramella, T. M., Ferrari, L., Nota, L., Santilli, S., & Soresi, S. (2017). Visions About Future: A new scale assessing optimism, pessimism, and hope in adolescents. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 17(2), 187-210. doi:10.1007/s10775-016-9324-
- Santilli, S., Nota, L. & Pilato, G. (2017). A Comparison on the Use of LSA and LDA in Psychology Analysis on “Courage” Definitions. International journal of semantic computing , 1, 3, 373-389
- Ginevra, M. C., Di Maggio, I., Nota, L., & Soresi, S. (2017). Stimulating resources to cope with challenging times and new realities: Effectiveness of a career intervention. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance. Special issue: Inducing and measuring change in vocational guidance and career counselling interventions, 17(1), 77-96. doi:10.1007/s10775-016-9331-
- Ginevra, M. C. & Nota, L. (2017). ‘Journey in the world of professions and work’: A career intervention for children. The Journal of Positive Psychology. Advance Online Publication. doi:10.1080/17439760.2017.1303532
- Nota, L., Ginevra, M. C., Di Maggio, I. & Soresi, S., (2017). Give force to the parents’ strengths in favor of inclusion. In D. Sobsey, K. Scorgie, & C. Forlin (Eds.), Working with Families for Inclusive Education: Navigating Identity, Opportunity and Belonging. International Perspectives on Inclusive Education (Volume 10) (pp. 211-226). Bingley: Emerald Publishing. ISBN: 978-1787142619
- Hartung, P. & Santilli, S. (2017). The theory and practice of career construction. In M. McMahon (Ed.) Career Counseling: Constructivist Approaches (2nd ed.). New York: Routledge.
- Nota, L., Di Maggio, I., Santilli, S., & Soresi, S. (2017). Italy. In M. L. Wehmeyer, & J. Patton (Eds.), Handbook of International Special Education (pp. 179-196). Santa Barbara: Praeger.
- Rossier, J., Ginevra, M. C., Bollmann, G., & Nota, L. (2017). The importance of career adaptability, employability, and career resilience in designing a successful life. In K. Maree (Ed.), Psychology of Career Adaptability, Employability and Resilience (pp. 65-82). Cham: Springer. ISBN: 978-3-319-66953-3; Online ISBN 978-3-319-66954-0; doi:10.1007/978-3-319-66954-0
- Soresi, S., Nota, L., & Ginevra, M. C. (2016) (a cura di) Counselling. Definizioni, tassonomie, metodologie, costrutti, tecniche e strumenti. Padova: Cleup
- Soresi, S. (2016) (a cura di). Psicologia delle disabilità e dell’inclusione. Bologna: Mulino
- Di Maggio, I., Ginevra, M. C., Nota, L., & Soresi, S. (2016). Development and validation of an instrument to assess future orientation and resilience in adolescence. Journal of Adolescence, 51, 114-122.
- Santilli, S., Marcionetti, J., Rochat, S., Rossier , J., & Nota, L. (2016). Career Adaptability, Hope, Optimism, and Life Satisfaction in Italian and Swiss Adolescents. Journal of Career Development. Advance Online Publication.
- Ginevra, M. C., Pallini, S., Vecchio, G. M., Nota, L., & Soresi, S. (2016). Future orientation and attitudes mediate career adaptability and decidedness. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 95-96, 102-110
- Nota, L., Santilli, S., & Soresi, S. (2016). A Life-Design-Based Online Career Intervention for Early Adolescents: Description and Initial Analysis. The Career development quarterly 64(1), 4-19
- Ginevra, M. C., Di Maggio, I., Nota, L., & Soresi, S. (2016). Stimulating resources to cope with challenging times and new realities: Effectiveness of a career intervention. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance. Special issue: Inducing and measuring change in vocational guidance and career counselling interventions. Advance Online Publication
- Sgaramella, T. M., Ginevra, M. C., Di Maggio, I., Santilli, I., & Ferrari, L. (2016). Positive youth development in preadolescence: The contribution of recent theoretical paradigms and positive, strengths based interventions. Interdisciplinary Journal of Family Studies, XX(2), 20-35.
- Ginevra, M. C., Nota, L., & Soresi, S. (2016). Adattamento italiano del Perception of Educational Barriers. Giornale Italiano di Psicologia, 3, 609-630
- Ginevra, M. C., Santilli, S., Di Maggio, I., Nota, L., & Soresi, S. (2016). Orientamento e progettazione professionale: il ruolo dell’adattabilità professionale, della speranza, dell’ottimismo e del coraggio. In F. Menegoni & N. A. De Carlo (a cura di), Etica e mondo del lavoro (pp. 123-139). Milano: Franco Angeli.
- Nota, L., Sgaramella, T.M., Di Maggio, I., Ferrari, L., & Soresi, S. (2016). Interventi per l’inclusione scolastica. In G. Piaia & G. Zago (Eds.), Pensieri e formazione. Studi in onore di Giuseppe Micheli (pp. 141-151). Padova: Cleup.
- L. Nota & J. Rossier (Eds.)(2015). Handbook of Life Design: From Practice to Theory and From Theory to Practice. Göttingen: Hogrefe.
- L. Nota & S. Soresi (Eds.)(2015). Il Counselling del Futuro. Padova: Cleup.
- L. Nota, M.C. Ginevra & S. Soresi (2015). Tutti diversamente a scuola. L’inclusione scolastica nel 21° secolo. Padova: Cleup.
- Nota, L., Santilli, S. & Soresi, S. (2015). Qualitative approaches to career assessment with people with disability.In M. McMahon & M. Watson (Eds), Career Assessment: Qualitative Approaches (pp. 221-229). Rotterdam: SENSE PUBLISHERS B.V.
- Ferrari, L., Nota, L., Soresi, S. & Ginevra M. C. (2015). Concepts of work, studying and leisure time in adolescents. In J. Merrick (ed.), Child and adolescent health issues. A tribute to the pediatrician Donald E. Greydanus (pp. 63-79). New York: Nova Science Publishers.
- Ferrari, L., Sgaramella, T. M., & Soresi, S. (2015). Bridging disability and work. Contribution and challenges of Life Design. In L. Nota & J. Rossier (Eds.), Handbook of Life Design: From Practice to Theory and From Theory to Practice (pp. 219-232). Göttingen: Hogrefe.
- Nota, L., Ginevra, M. C., & Santilli, S. (2015). Life Design and prevention. In L. Nota & J. Rossier (Eds.), Handbook of Life Design: From Practice to Theory and From Theory to Practice (pp. 183-199). Göttingen: Hogrefe.
- Nota, L., Sgaramella, T. M., Ferrari, L., Santilli, S., Ginevra, M. C., & Soresi, S. (2015). Work inclusion: A goal enriching society. In G. Hensen & A. Beck (Eds.), Inclusive Education – International Strategies and Development. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa.
- Sgaramella, T. M., Ferrari, L., & Ginevra, M. C. (2015). Qualitative career assessment of vulnerable individuals. In M. McMahon & M. Watson (Eds.), Career Assessment: Qualitative Approaches (pp. 231-238). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishing.
- Ginevra, M. C., Nota, L., & Ferrari, L. (2015). Parental Support in Adolescents’ Career Development: Parents’ and Children’s Perceptions. The Career Development Quarterly, 63(1), 2-15.
- Ferrari, L., Ginevra, M. C., Santilli, S., Nota, L., Sgaramella, T. M., & Soresi, S. (2015). Career exploration and occupational knowledge in Italian children. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 15(2), 113-130.
- Ferrari, L., Nota, L., Soresi, S., & Ginevra, M. C. (2015). An instrument for analyzing the concepts of work, school, and free time. International Journal of Child and Adolescent Health, 8(3).
- Ginevra, M. C., & Nota, L. (2015). Occupational gender-stereotypes and problem-solving in Italian adolescents. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling. Advance online publication.
- Di Maggio, I., Ginevra, M. C., Nota, L., Ferrari, L., & Soresi, S. (2015). Career Adapt-Abilities Scale-Italian Form: Psychometric Properties with Italian Preadolescents. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 91, 46-53
- Santilli, S., Ginevra, M. C., Sgaramella, T. M., Nota, L., Ferrari, L., & Soresi, S. (2015). Design My Future: An instrument to assess future orientation and resilience. Journal of Career Assessment. Advance online publication
- Sgaramella, T. M., Ginevra, M. C., Di Maggio, I., Santilli, I., & Ferrari, L. (2015). Positive youth development in preadolescence: The contribution of recent theoretical paradigms and positive, strengths based interventions. Interdisciplinary Journal of Family Studies, XX(2), 20-35.
- Nota, L., Ginevra, M. C., Santilli, S., & Soresi, S. (2014). Contemporary career construction: The role of career adaptability. In Psycho-social Career Meta-capacities (pp. 247-263). Springer International Publishing.
- Soresi, S., Nota, L., Ferrari, L., & Ginevra, M. C. (2014). Parental influences on youths’ career construction. In G. Arulmani, A. Bakshi, F. Leong, & T. Watts (Eds.), Handbook of career development: International perspectives (pp.149-172). New York: Springer.
- Nota, L., Soresi, S., & Ferrari, L. (2014). What are emerging trends and perspectives on inclusive schools in Italy. In J. McLeskey, N. L. Waldron, F. Spooner, & B. Algozzine, (Eds.) Handbook of effective inclusive schools. Research and practice (521-534). London: Routledge Publishers.
- Sgaramella T. M., Di Maggio I., Bellotto M. & Castellani R. (2014). Psicologia positiva ed età adulta emergente: identità, prospettiva temporale e prontezza professionale [Positive Psychology and adult age emerging: identity, temporal pespective and readiness]. In L. Nota & S. Soresi (Eds.), La Psicologia Positiva a scuola e nei contesti formativi. [Positive Psychology in school] (pp. 79-95). Firenze: Hogrefe.
- Ginevra, M. C., Nota, L., Heppner, P. P., Heppner, M., & Soresi, S. (2014). The relationship of personality type, problem-solving appraisal, and learning strategies. Journal of Career Assessment. Advance online publication. DOI:10.1177/1069072714553075
- Nota, L., Di Maggio, I., Santilli, S., & Ginevra, M. C. (2014). Giuggiole di Ottimismo e Speranza a scuola. Un laboratorio per la scuola secondaria di primo grado. [“Giuggiole” of Optimism and Hope to school. A laboratory for the children and preteens] GIPO-Giornale Italiano di Psicologia dell’Orientamento, 14, 1-4.
- Wilkins, K. G., Santilli, S., Ferrari, L., Nota, L., Tracey, T. J., & Soresi, S. (2014). The relationship among positive emotional dispositions, career adaptability, and satisfaction in Italian high school students. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 85(3), 329-338.
- Nota, L., Soresi, S., Ferrari, L., & Ginevra, M. C. (2014). Vocational designing and career counseling in Europe: Challenges and new horizons. European Psychologist, 19(4), 248.
- Santilli, S., Nota, L., Ginevra, M. C., & Soresi, S. (2014). Career adaptability, hope and life satisfaction in workers with intellectual disability. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 85(1), 67-74.
- Ferrari, L. (2014). Counselor e career counselor del futuro: quali competenze? GIPO Giornale Italiano di Psicologia dell’Orientamento, 14(2-3), 97-101.
- Carr, A., Rossier, J., Rosselet, J. G., Massoudi, K., Bernaud, J. L., Ferrari, L., … & Roche, M. (2014). The Career Indecision Profile Measurement Equivalence in Two International Samples. Journal of Career Assessment, 22(1), 123-137.
- Nota, L., & Ginevra, M. C. (2014). The concepts of work, study, and leisure of parents and children. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health, 26(1), 107-122.
- Soresi, S., Nota L., Ferrari, L. & Sgaramella, M.T. (2013). Career development and career thoughts. In Wehmeyer M. L. (Ed.), Oxford Handbook of Positive Psychology and Disability (pp. 239-264). Oxford University Press: Oxford.
- Carrieri, L., Sgaramella, T.M., Bortolon, F., Stenta, G., Fornaro, L., Cracco, A., Perini, F., & Soresi, S. (2013). Determinants of on-job-barriers in employed persons with multiple sclerosis: the role of disability severity and cognitive indexes. Work.
- Lo Presti, A., Pace, F., Nota, L., Mondo, M., Casarubia, P., Ferrari, L.. & Betz, N. (2013). An examination of the structure of the Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale (Short Form) among Italian High School Students. Journal of Career Assessment, 21, 337-347.
- Nota, L., & Ginevra, M. C. (2013). Le sfide dei nostri tempi e le persone con i maggiori bisogni di Career e Life Design. GIPO-Giornale Italiano di Psicologia dell’Orientamento, 13(3).
- Nota, L., Heppner, P. P., Ginevra, M. C., Ferrari, L., Heppner, M. J., & Soresi, S. (2013). The development of the Problem Solving Inventory with Italian youth. International Perspective in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation, 2(3), 181–193. DOI: 10.1037/ipp0000006.
- Porfeli, E., Ferrari, L., & Nota, L. (2013). Work valence as a predictor of academic achievement in the family context. Journal of Career Development, 40(5), 371-389.
- Carr, A., Rossier, J., Rosselet, J.G., Massoudi, K., Bernaud, J-L., Ferrari, L., Nota, L., Soresi, S., Rowe-Johnson, M., Brown, S. D., & Roche, M. (2013). The Career Indecision Profile: Measurement equivalence in two international samples. Journal of Career Assessment. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1177/1069072713492930
- Nota, L., Santilli, S., Soresi, S., & Ginevra, M. C. (2013). Employer attitudes towards the work inclusion of people with disability. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1111/jar.12081
- Shogren, K. A., Nota, L., Soresi, S., Wehmeyer, M. L., Ginevra, M. C., & Little, T. D. (2013). A Cross-cultural comparison of the self-determination construct in Italian and American adolescents. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 1-17. DOI: 10.1080/02673843.2013.808159.
- Soresi, S., Nota, L., Ferrari, L., Sgaramella, T.M., Ginevra, M. C. & Santilli, S. (2013) Inclusion in Italy: From numbers to ideas … that is from “special” visions to the promotion of inclusion for all. Life Span and Disability, 16, 187-217.
- Ferrari, L., Nota, L., Soresi, S., & Sgaramella, T. M. (2012). The role of prevention programmes. In C. Schiersmann, B.-J. Ertelt, J. Katsarov, R. Mulvey, H. Reid, & P. Weber (Eds.), NICE handbook for the academic training of career guidance and counselling professionals (pp. 166-172). Heidelberg, Germany: Heidelberg University.
- Ferrari, L. Nota, L., & Soresi, S. (2012). Evaluation of an intervention to foster time perspective and career decidedness in a group of Italian adolescents. Career Development Quarterly, 60, 82-96.
- Ginevra, M. C., Nota, L., Soresi, S., & Gati, I. (2012). Career Decision-Making profiles of Italian adolescents. The Journal of Career Assessment, 20(4), 375-389.
- Nota, L., Ginevra, M. C., & Soresi, S. (2012). The Career and Work Adaptability Questionnaire (CWAQ): A first contribution to its validation. Journal of Adolescence, 35(6), 1557-1569.
- Nota, L., Ginevra, M. C., Ferrari, L., & Soresi, S. (2012). ‘Il futuro dei figli’: uno strumento per misurare il supporto fornito dai genitori ai processi di riflessione e scelta circa il futuro dei figli. GIPO- Giornale Italiano di Psicologia dell’Orientamento, 13(1), 3-17.
- Rohlfing, J. E., Nota, L., Ferrari, L., Soresi, S., & Tracey, T. J. G. (2012). Relation of occupational knowledge to career interests and competence perceptions in Italian children. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 81, 330-337.
- Sgaramella, T. M., Carrieri, L., & Barone, C. (2012). A screening battery for the assessment of executive functioning in young adults with intellectual disabilities. International Journal on Disability and Human Development, 11(1), 31-37.
- Soresi, S., Nota, L., & Ferrari, L. (2012). Career Adapt-Abilities Scale-Italian Form: Psychometric properties and relationships to breadth of interests, quality of life, and perceived barriers. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 80, 705-711.
- Soresi, S. & Nota, L. (2011). Sfide e nuovi orizzonti per l’orientamento. Diversità, sviluppo professionale, lavoro e servizi territoriali. Firenze: Giunti-Organizzazioni Speciali.
- Sgaramella T.M. (2011). Abilità di problem solving e sviluppo professionale nel giovane adulto con disabilità cognitive. In Nota L., Soresi S. (Eds.), Nuove sfide per l’orientamento scolastico e professionale (pp. 79-98). Firenze: OS- Giunti.
- Carrieri, L., & Sgaramella, T. M. (2011). Predittori cognitivi e non cognitivi nell’orientamento professionale nella disabilità. In Nota L. e Soresi S. (Eds.), Nuove sfide per l’orientamento scolastico-professionale. Vol. 2. Firenze: Organizzazioni Speciali-Giunti.
- Carrieri, L., Sgaramella, T. M., Ferrari, L., & Petruccelli, F. (2011). Le conoscenze professionali: un excursus dalla teoria alla pratica. Petruccelli, F., D’Amario, B., Giordano, V. (a cura di), La scelta formativa: attitudini, competenze e motivazioni (pp.52-78). Milano: Franco Angeli.
- Ginevra, M. C., Nota, L., Soresi, S., & Petruccelli, F. (2011). Gli stereotipi professionali nell’ambito dell’orientamento scolastico-professionale. In Petruccelli, F., D’Amario, B., Giordano, V. (a cura di) La scelta formativa: attitudini, competenze e motivazioni (pp.). Franco Angeli, Roma.
- Carrieri, L., Sgaramella, T. M., & Soresi, S. (2011). Nuovi costrutti per l’orientamento scolastico e professionale: uno strumento per l’assessment del funzionamento esecutivo nella seconda adolescenza. Giornale Italiano di Psicologia dell’Orientamento, 12(1), 15-26.
- Ginevra, M. C., & Nota, L. (2011). Le barriere professionali: procedure di assessment e suggerimenti per l’intervento.Giornale Italiano di Psicologia dell’Orientamento, 12(1), 3-13.
- Lent, R. W., Nota L., Soresi, S., Ginevra, M. C., Duffy, R. D., & Brown, S.D. (2011). Predicting the Work and Life Satisfaction of Italian Teachers: Test of a Social Cognitive Model. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 79(1), 91-97.
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- Nota, L., Soresi, S., Ferrari, L., & Wehmeyer, M. L. (2010). A Multivariate Analysis of the Self-Determination of Adolescents. Journal of Happiness Studies,12(2), 245-266.
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- Soresi, S., Ferrari, L., & Nota, L. (2010). Gli operatori e le attività dei servizi universitari di orientamento in Italia. Giornale Italiano di psicologia dell’Orientamento, 11 (2), 3-11.