11th ECADOC Summer School
European Doctoral Programme in Career Guidance and Counselling
European University Cyprus, 10th -14th June 2024
Research in the field of career guidance and counselling Career guidance and counseling in the digital era
We welcome applications for the 11th ECADOC Summer School for doctoral students in career guidance and counselling, which will take place in Nicosia, Cyprus on 10th-14th June 2024. The Summer School will be hosted by Dr. Nikos Drosos and European University Cyprus. The summer school’s theme is “Career guidance and counseling in the digital era” and its programme consists of readings, keynote presentations and collective academic supervision. Participants will have the opportunity to establish international collaborations, discuss their research and have valuable insights and feedback.
We will welcome up to 25 current doctoral researchers at the Summer School. Partners for ECADOC 2024 are the European University Cyprus, EuroGuidance, the Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance (YEKA) of Cyprus, the National Organization for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP) of Greece and the Panhellenic Association for Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Work Integration (PEPSAEE). The summer school is supported by the NICE (Network for Innovation in Career Counselling and Guidance in Europe) Foundation and the European Society for Vocational Designing and Career Counseling (ESVDC).
Important dates:
Deadline for application: March 10th 2024. Please submit as one file PDF to n.drosos@euc.ac.cy
Documents for application (to be attached as one file PDF)
– A completed application form
– A CV in English
– A description of your doctoral research project, illustrating its relevance to the field of career guidance and counselling (max 1 page)
– A certificate of enrolment as a PhD student (scanned copy) or other verification of enrolment in a PhD programme
There is no fee for participating in the summer school. However, all participants will need to cover their own travelling and accommodation costs. We, therefore, advise eligible participants to apply for Erasmus mobility funding as soon as possible and will support any other relevant mobility agreements. For questions regarding Erasmus Mobility Funding please contact Efi Michael at European University Cyprus e.michael@euc.ac.cy as soon as possible. Information about ECADOC can be found at: https://www.larios.fisppa.unipd.it/ecadoc/
Application Form – link for Application Form https://euc.ac.cy/en/11th-ecadoc-summer-school-call-for-applications/