Summer School

Summer Schools

To achieve our goals, we organise annual summer schools for doctoral researchers working on a dissertation related to career guidance and counselling. Our aim is to accompany doctoral researchers through the entire pursuit of a doctorate through summer schools, which are relevant at each stage of doctoral research – whether people are just identifying their topic, or have already published many of their results.

ECADOC Summer Schools typically attract 20-28 doctoral researchers from more than 15 countries every year. We try to organise the summer schools without a fee, and try to support doctoral researchers in funding their participation (travel and accommodation).

The central objectives of our summer schools are to:

  • Support doctoral researchers in finalizing their research projects.
  • Introduce doctoral researchers to state-of-the-art research approaches and methods and engage them in deliberating about general scientific standards.
  • Stimulate the development of a European research community in our field by offering doctoral researchers opportunities to work together and identify joint research ideas.
  • Support doctoral researchers’ professional development and open up different perspectives for the time after their doctoral studies.

Therefore, ECADOC Summer Schools generally comprise four learning modules. To stimulate interdisciplinarity and advancement at each level of a PhD project, ECADOC summer schools offer a wide array of methodological training at different levels (from novice to advanced). Through collective academic supervision (see below) and poster presentations, participants’ skills for communication and training are promoted alongside learning related to their personal research projects. Networking activities, group work and collaborative problem-solving aid the development of a European research community and the development of skills for intercultural and interdisciplinary communication and cooperation. Keynotes and presentations from researchers, policy makers and expert practitioners foster discussions and exchange beyond the narrow reach of personal research topics, and thereby stimulate the participating researchers’ understanding of the entire field of questions related to career guidance and counselling, thereby building bridges between research, policy and practice in line with the NICE Memorandum.

The ECADOC project was co-funded by the European Commission under the Lifelong Learning Programme from October 2013 to November 2016 (Project No. 539608-LLP-1-2013-1-IT-ERASMUS-EQR). The European Commission’s support for the ECADOC project does not constitute an endorsement of its achievements, contents, or professed opinions. These reflect the views of the project partners only, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use of these products.

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