Doctoral Students and Guests of the First Summer School

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Doctoral Students of the First Summer School

Chiara Annovazzi picture

Chiara Annovazzi, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy

Chiara Annovazzi is post-graduated at Master’s Degree in Psychology of Social Processes, Decision-making and Economic Behavior, with a final essay about “Gender and Politics”. Now she is a PhD student in Social, Cognitive and Clinical Psychology at Milan Bicocca University with a project whose aim is to analyze how the parents could influence the level of hope, resilience and optimism in their disabled sons and daughters. The goal of this project is to deepen this kind of influence: in particular she’s been examining if it exists, how it works and how it can condition the choices of the offspring between work and an university course or between different kind of work/faculty. Her research interests include career counselling, gender psychology and cross-cultural psychology. Also, she works in the Career Counselling Service in the Milan Bicocca University( she does researches for the service and she works as a Psychologist. She has a psychosocial approach and her work consists in providing educational guidance and support to make the students gain self-awareness: the aims are to help prospective students to make aware career choices and to encourage current students to maintain their career goals. In the service it is used online counselling (e-mail, websites) telephone sessions, personalized individual psychosocial counselling (face-to-face appointments) and face-to-face guidance groups (mature students guidance groups). She is a SIO (Italian Society Guidance) and IAAP (International Association of Applied Psychology) member.

Helena Anttila, University of Jyväskylä, Finland

Helena Anttila is a Ph.D. Student at the Faculty of Education at the University of Jyvaskyla, Finland. She works as a Senior Lecturer at JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Teacher Education College, Jyväskylä, Finland. At JAMK her main responsibility is to work as a teacher trainer in Vocational Teacher Education as well as to teach in different multiculturally oriented teacher education or counselling programmes. She has completed her previous studies at the University of Helsinki: MA (Education), Kindergarten Teacher´s degree and studies for social work. Her research in progress (University of Jyväskylä) focuses on international degree students´ experiences of their studies abroad. The main purpose is to get information of how the students regard the meaning of their studies abroad for their individual growth and development and for their career and study path.

caroline arnoux

Caroline Arnoux, Centre de Recherche sur le Travail et le Développement (CRTD), Inetop – Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM), France

Caroline Arnoux first obtained a degree from E.D.H.E.C. Business School – Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales du Nord, after a scientific baccalaureate at the International Lycée of St-Germain-en-Laye (France). She also studied psychology at the University of Paris Ouest La Défense, where she got a Bachelor’s Degree in work psychology and Master II “Research in psycholog”. After work experiences in different companies in the field of marketing and financial communication, she passed a state diploma in psychology and vocational advising and she worked during two years as a psychologist and vocational adviser in a center of vocational information and guidance. She is currently working at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM) in Paris, as Head of continuing vocational training department for the Department Travail Orientation Formation. At the same time, she is a member of the Centre of Research on Work and Development (CRTD) of the Cnam (Paris). She is currently preparing a thesis on the following topic: “the relationship between career mobility and the meaning of work”. Her thesis director is Professor Jean-Luc Bernaud, Inetop-Cnam, Paris. Her thesis codirector is Professor Annamaria Di Fabio at the University of Florence in Italy. Her fields of research are: meaning of work, professional mobility, transition and career redirections. She is involved in the meaning of work and life collaborative Group under the direction of Professor Jean-Luc Bernaud (Inetop-Cnam, Paris)


 Anna Bilon, University of Lower Silesia, Poland

Anna Bilon works at University of Lower Silesia in WrocÅ‚aw (Poland) as a researcher and academic teacher. She graduated in pedagogy and philosophy from University of Zielona Góra (Poland). Her research interests concern issues related to career counselling, career counselling policy, cultural and organizational aspects of career counselling, comparative analyses of career counselling, social policy and social work. In her own research projects she uses mainly the qualitative paradigm as well she is looking for the possibilities for overcoming the theoretical dilemmas related to the “agency problem” in career counselling. Therefore, she is often making use of sociological and philosophical theories to interpret career counselling as a social process and socio-cultural phenomenon. She is an editorial assistant for Journal of Counsellogy and a member of Counsellogical Association. In 2011 she was the Laureate of contest “Knowledge with Passion. Promotion of young scientists” (PITWIN Project – Portal of Innovative Knowledge Transfer in Science) for her research on career counselling.


 María Dóra Björnsdóttir, University of Iceland, Iceland

Maria Dora Bjornsdottir is director of the University of Iceland Student Counselling and Career Centre (UISCCC). She has MA in career and guidance counseling and BA in psychology and was career and guidance counselor at the UI from 1999 to 2011. That experience influenced her choice of topic for the PhD research. In her study, she is assessing the short and long term effects of two career interventions on students finishing upper secondary school in Iceland. This is an important transition for young adults in Iceland as in other countries but the University drop-out rate is unusually high, indicating that they may need more preparation for their career decision making. Two types of interventions, an indigenous one and imported, were applied to a group of last year’s upper secondary students.  Main results indicate that the imported intervention increased students’ self-efficacy to carry out career decision related activities and increased their general life satisfaction. Other research interests are assessment instruments for use in career services, their translation and adaptation between countries. In the past, she has done some part time teaching in the master’s program of career and guidance counseling at the UI.


Randi Boelskifte Skovhus, Aarhus University, Denmark

Randi Boelskifte Skovhus is a Ph.D. student at the research program Lifelong Learning, Department of Education, University of Aarhus, Denmark. Her Ph.D. is a four-year project from 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2016. Her research focuses on the youth guidance as it is carried out in the lower secondary school. She is interested in finding out what is going on in the career guidance and counselling here. Her research questions – what she wants to understand by doing her study – are: How can the work with Career Management Skills be considered in a social justice perspective in the Youth Guidance? How are the young people’s possibility to participate in the class and in the career guidance and counselling? Choices – how are different grounds for wishes and choices meet by the professionals and how does this affect the young person and the guidance and counselling process? Structures “how does the school and the Youth Guidance Center work together about the task” She works with qualitative methods as participant observation and semi structured interviews. She also works with document analysis. The theoretical basis for the project is Critical Psychology (Danish-German). She is also an associate professor at the University College VIA, Aarhus. She teaches at the Danish diploma program in educational and vocational guidance and participate in development projects. Some of her other academic interests are group guidance and guidance in communities. She is a new participant in the NICE-program on developing the Career Workforce of the Future. She lives outside Aarhus with her husband Torben and their two children “ their boy Martin at 12 and their girl Liv who is 17 years old. An activity she enjoys a lot is running in the woods.

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Gottfried Catania, University of Malta, Malta

Gottfried Catania is a part-time PhD student at the Business School of Loughborough University, UK. His first degree was a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the University of Malta, followed by a Masters in Occupational Pscyhology from the University of Leicester. He works as an Assistant Lecturer in Organizational Psychology at the University of Malta. His research interests include the fields of workplace motivation, ethics at the workplace, soft skills development and their importance in the workplace, and lifespan career development. His current (PhD) research focuses on how misuse and misunderstanding of motivational techniques can lead to unethical workplace behaviour, in the particular context of the financial services industry. He is married and has a 13 year old daughter and 11 year old fraternal triplets, so an added interest of his is developmental psychology and how individual differences become manifested and enhanced through lifetime experiences and growth.

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Ariane Froidevaux, University of Lausanne, Switzerland

Ariane Froidevaux, MA, is a doctoral candidate, graduate teaching assistant and lecturer in the Institute of Psychology at University of Lausanne, Switzerland. Her doctoral thesis aims to develop a relational perspective on identity challenge and adjustment during transition to retirement. Her main research question concerns how do retirees adjust to retirement transition; in particular, how do they adjust to the (partial) loss of their work-related identity? Her doctoral thesis relies on different insights from the relational perspective in career counselling (e.g., Blustein, 2011), positive psychology (i.e., subjective and psychological well-being; meaning in life), social identity theory (Tajfel, 1978), and work psychology literature on older workers (e.g., meaningful work). Her research interests include career counselling, late career development, interpersonal relationships and career transitions, work life balance, well-being and meaning in life. Her teaching focuses on diversity of professional fields in psychology; young psychologists’ insertion in the job market; practice of general counselling techniques; practice of specific relational tools for career counselling; main issues of transition from work to retirement; and practice of career counselling with a senior population. She is a member of the State Vaud Association of Career Counselling Psychologists (AVPO), the US National Career Development Association (NCDA), and the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP). She also works as a career counselor psychologist at the Counselling Service of University of Lausanne.

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Virág Füzi, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary

Virag Fuzi, Hungarian PhD student of Eotvos Loránd Universtity Psychology PhD Program. She lives in Budapest and works as assistant lecturer at Eötvös Loránd University, Department of Educational Psychology in Budapest. She leads BA and MA courses for students of pedagogy and postgraduate courses for psychologists. Her main courses are: group counseling, career guidance, helpings skills, talent management, child development, personal skills development and teaching skills development. Her deepest interests of psychology are positive psychology, intercultural communication and talent management. Her research field is positive psychology focusing on self-actualization, subjective well-being and flow experiences among universtity students. Actually she is working on a comparative study of Hungarian and Spanish university students. The objective of her study is to examine whether there is cultural difference in the experience of happiness and self actualization and flow. Her interest about intercultural communication, cross cultural encounters and cultural adaptation spring from her experiences. During university years she spent 9 months in Murcia, Spain as an EVS volunteer and worked by an NGO supporting emigrants’ social adaptation. Inspirated by sojourer experiences she developed a special preparatory training for outgoing Erasmus students supporting their adaptations skills and intercultural communication. She also manages intercultural sensitivity trainings for employees of higher educational institutes. Besides academic teaching she also work as a trainer collaborating with Association of Hungarian Talent Support Organizations, and she gives talent management courses for teachers and organize summer camps for highly talented teenagers.

Silke Grossen, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium

Silke Grossen graduated as an Educational Psychologist in 2013 at the Catholic Univesity of Leuven, Belgium. She did her psychology internship at the University of the Freestate (UFS), Bloemfontein, South Africa. After completing her internship at UFS and graduating at the Catholic University of Leuven, she started her PhD at the Catholic University of Leuven in October 2013 and is currently working as a volunteer on her research project. The PhD is a collaboration between the Catholic University of Leuven and the University of the Freestate. The goal of her PhD research is to develop a program to promote career adaptability in at-risk adolescent learners in South Africa. She is especially interested in the multiple educational and occupational transitions individuals go through in their lives and how people can prepare for and adapt to these transitions. Currently, she is also studying Industrial Psychology at the Catholic University of Leuven.


Rebeca García Murias, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Rebeca Garcia Murias is Lectured on several subjects regarding to Diagnosis in Education and Educational and Vocational/Professional Guidance at the Faculty of  Education Sciences, University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) where she also works as Academic Coordinator of different International and National Mobility Programs and Interuniversity Exchanges Actions (Erasmus Program, Erasmus Mundus, Bilateral agreement and SICUE- National Exchange Programme). She belongs to a research group Educational and Professional Diagnosis and Guidance (DIOEP), Department of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education, where she holds the position of Research Staff. She received her Ph.D. in Psychopedagogy (Education Sciences) from the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Her main current research topics and professional interests include: Career Guidance and Counselling; Educational, Professional and Academic Guidance on the European context; academic and professional mobility in Europe…, with special emphasis on issues like: international mobility actions and exchange programs (Higher Education System- Erasmus-); analysis and exploration of information and guidance needs of Erasmus students (University of Santiago de Compostela); European projects and networks of academic and career guidance; Lifelong Learning and Lifelong Guidance. The main subjects and occupational competences as well as the research curriculum and publications (journal articles, book chapters, papers, etc.) have enabled her to participated in different studies, projects, networks and researches (at European context),  in addition to participate in different national and international conferences where she presented several publications.

Maria C Soares

 Maria de Conceicao Guilherme Soares, University de Lisboa, Portugal

Maria de Conceicao Guilherme Soares is a psychologist and also a PhD student at the University of Lisbon (ULisbon). She’s writing her thesis entitled “The psychology of life construction: Incursions in the concept of adaptability for the study of parental influence on adolescents’ career construction”, under the supervision of Prof. Maria Eduarda Duarte. Her main research topic is parental influence and involvement in children’s career development and construction, about which she has made studies, publications and presentations, and was also the theme of her master´s dissertation in Psychology (1999) and several training activities undertaken with Portuguese career technicians. Another topic of interest of her is the organization of Career Guidance and Counseling (CG&C) Services, especially in High Education: their scope, competences, agents, methodologies and quality. She is now a senior technician at the Studies & Planning Office of the ULisbon. From 1995 to June 2014 she worked as a psychologist in the Career Guidance Institute (Instituto de Orientação Profissional – IOP) of ULisbon where she was co-responsible for Research & Projects’ Development. She had also taken responsibilities in other domains of CG&C, namely consultation, training and cooperation in national and international projects. She participated in Portuguese works for the Life Designing International Research Group. From 1989 to 1995 she was a school counselor in the secondary level of education. She’s 48 years old, lives in Lisbon, is married and has two daughters, Sara and Mariana, 24 and 22 years old. Her favorite motto is “Everything is worth, If the soul is not small”.

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Rebecca Corfield Tee, Canterbury Christ Church University, Great Britain

Rebecca Corfield Tee. For her doctoral studies she is researching the motivation of a small sample of people in the UK who volunteer to be school governors. This volunteer activity forms part of a career, albeit unpaid. Her research is qualitative and is an auto/biographical narrative enquiry with a small number of school governors.  Her data collection is now complete and she is currently analyzing her material.  Emerging issues include recognition, social roles, identity and community engagement. Her other research interests include narrative methods, creative approaches to accessing auto/biography and embodied interviewing. She joined the Centre for Career & Personal Development at Canterbury Christ Church University in the UK in 2011.  She is a Senior Lecturer across a range of courses including Exploring Labour Markets, Research Methods, Ethics and Values, Youth in Society and Mentoring. She holds the Masters in Business Administration (MBA). She also runs her own careers consultancy based in South London providing careers counselling and coaching. She offers training in giving presentations and has acted as a mediator, helping to solve work conflicts. She is the author of several best-selling job search books under the name Rebecca Corfield. She has worked in the guidance field for many years specializing in work with adults and she is also a past elected President of the national Institute of Career Guidance in the UK (now the Career Development Institute). Her website can be seen at

Photo Andronikos Kaliris

Andronikos Kaliris, University of Athens, Greece

Andronikos Kaliris has been studying for his doctorate in Career Guidance and Counselling for 2 years already at the Faculty of Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology, University of Athens. He also hold a Master’s degree in Career Counselling, a specialisation diploma in Career Guidance tests and questionnaires and a Bachelor of Arts in Theology. He has also been much interested in Statistics and Psychometrics which he considers as important tools that support and advance his research. So, in 2013 he completed a Diploma in Descriptive Statistics from the University of California, at Berkeley, USA (distance learning via EdX). He has been working as teacher and educational – career counselor at University of Athens, a private school, a foreign languages institute and a counselling office. Furthermore, he is an associate of the Center of Research and Assessment in Career Counselling. So far, he has presented several papers in various conferences and he has 5 publications in peer-reviewed journals in cooperation with career specialists and Professors. His research interests mainly focus on counseling self-efficacy, counselor training, the concept of career, career skills development as well as contributions of postmodern approaches (e.g. Narrative Career Counselling, Chaos Theory of Careers, Life Design, Happenstance Learning Theory etc.) to career development. Recently he has been taking an interest in Mixed Methods Research. In his free time, he enjoys listening to house and mainstream music, watching films, hanging around with friends and surfing the internet.


Jaana Kettunen, University of Jyväskylä, Finland

Jaana Kettunen is a Researcher at the Finnish Institute for Educational Research of the University of Jyvaskyla, Finland. In her work she has been focusing on the design and pedagogical use of information and communications technology (ICT) in learning and working environments. She has extensive experience on training, supporting and working with practitioners throughout Finland. Her research interest is on the role of ICT and social media in career services. It is both theoretical and practical: it aims at the development of theory-based and evidence-informed pedagogical practices. Her current research focuses on the career practitioners’ ways of experiencing and conceptualizing social media in career services, and aspects that are seen as critical in the successful use of these new technologies in career services.


Christer Langström, Stockholm University, Sweden

Christer Langstrom started his studies to become a guidance counselor in 1989. During 1991-2001 he worked as a guidance counselor and began to get involved in the career counselor education as a mentor. It led to an employment as a lecturer at the Stockholm Institute of Education, since 2006, the University of Stockholm. His teaching area is guidance theory and methods with focus on the professional conversation, guidance/group counseling, coaching and career development. Since 2013 he is a PhD student in Education with focus on career counseling and guidance at the University of Stockholm, Department of Education. In his research, he examine guidance and coaching in a biographical learning perspective for adults in situations of transition. The thesis focuses attention towards adults seeking employment and searches through their stories trace learning in situations where professional counseling in the form of guidance and coaching are used. The subject of his study is based in that unemployment is such a problem that has long time been an important and difficult issue from several perspectives for today’s politicians, public administration, the community at large, and particularly for job seekers themselves. The problem is the subject of political/ideological and economic debate that reflects both similarities and differences in ideas and thoughts on how the issue should be wrist. In this thesis, he addresses his interest towards what the jobseekers themselves have to say about their participation in municipal projects where professional counseling in the form of career counseling and career coaching are used. Guidance and coaching in this sense can be seen as a type of operations that are expected to promote self-expression and create motivation to engage in autonomous learning activities. This can be seen as an example of what is referred to lifelong learning and this along with that he surmises a biographical perspective on learning in both theory and method, makes this thesis is written under the discipline pedagogy.


Jenny Marcionetti, University of Lausanne, Switzerland

Jenny Marcionetti obtained her Master degree in Psychology at the Institute of Social and Political Sciences of the University of Lausanne in 2005. After three years of internship experiences in different fields of psychology and in research she became researcher at the “Ufficio studi e ricerche” (Studies and Researches’ Office) of the School Division of Canton Ticino (Switzerland) and then at the Center for Innovation and Research on Educational Systems of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI). From 2008 to 2012 she also worked as researcher in collaboration with the Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Training (IUFFP, Lugano, Switzerland). The topic of transitions in education (in particular from lower to upper secondary education) has always been one of her top interests. Since October 2012, in parallel to her work at SUPSI, she has been PhD Student in Psychology at the University of Lausanne. Her PhD focuses on the factors influencing career indecision of 8th and 9th grade students of Canton Ticino, particularly considering the relationships between personality, career adaptabilities and career indecision.

Iris Oliveira

Iris M. Oliveira, University of Minho, Portugal

Iris M. Oliveira is a Master’s Degree in Educational and School Psychology by the University of Minho, Portugal. She is currently a Doctoral student of Applied Psychology, in the research unit Learning and Achievement and in the research line Career Development and Counseling, at the same institution. She is conducting a dissertation on childhood career development under the main supervision of Professor Maria do Céu Taveira, from the same institution. She has performed a six-month international research internship under the supervision of Professor Erik Porfeli at the Northeast Ohio Medical University, USA, has collaborated in Portuguese research projects related to career development, educational psychology and neurosciences, and has performed an internship as an educational and school psychologist at a public school in northern Portugal. She has participated in national and international conferences, has published several conference proceedings and a book chapter, and counts with two journal articles in press. Her research interests focus on career development and counseling, academic development, psychological assessment, and application of quantitative research methods and data analyses in these fields.


Janis Pavulens, Latvia University, Latvia

Janis Pavulens is a lecturer at the Institute of Education and Home Economics at Latvia University of Agriculture since 2010. His teaching areas include social psychology, research methodology and career counselling. In the beginning of his teacher career he studied teaching of physics and mathematics and some years worked as teacher in secondary school. Afterwards he studied psychology and graduated from University of Latvia as school psychologist and teacher of psychology and pedagogy in teacher colleges. Janis was a first head of the first re-socialization community for adolescent drug addicts in Latvia, several years worked as school psychologist, more than 16 years he worked as psychologist, counsellor and lecturer at the Latvia State Employment Agency. Since 2011 he is a self-employed supervisor, counsellor and lecturer. He obtained his Master degree in Career Counselling at 2010 and at the same year became a student in doctoral study programme Pedagogy at Latvia University of Agriculture. His research interests include development of career self-management competence among rural secondary school students, in his research work he concentrates on development of constructivist model of career self-management and appropriate career guidance in the context of knowledge society.


 Shekina Rochat, University of Lausanne, Switzerland

Shekina Rochat, MA, is a PhD candidate and a graduate assistant at the Institute of Psychology of the University of Lausanne. Her doctoral thesis aims at investigating the efficacy of using Motivational Interviewing (MI; Miller & Rollnick, 2006; 2013) in career counseling interventions to help people to undertake vocational change. Her research is focusing on public vocational guidance with youth in the school-to-work transition. The investigations imply both quantitative and qualitative analyses, including a coding tool to assess the MI integrity (MISC; Miller, Moyer & Amrhein, 2008). Her work is based on Ford’s (1992) Motivational System Theory. Her areas of research’s interests include adaptation of clinical tools and methodologies in career counseling, motivation, career transition, case studies and evidenced-based training. As a graduate assistant, she is particularly involved in the design and animation of lab sessions for Bachelor students in Psychology. She is also working as a career counselor psychologist at the State Career Counseling Office (OCOSP) and at the Counseling Service of the University of Lausanne. She is a member of the committee of the Vaud State Association of Career Counseling Psychologists (AVPO) and a member of the US National Career Development Association (NCDA).


 Sara Santilli, University of Padova, Italy

Sara Santilli. She is a Phd student at Doctoral School of Psychological Sciences at Padua University, psychologist, post graduate degree in Career Counseling at the University of Padova, collaborates with La.R.I.O.S. (Laboratory of Research and Intervention in Vocational Guidance), University of Padova, Italy, in the organization of vocational guidance projects and research concerning disability, career guidance and job placement. Research interest concern the fields of career counseling and disability. The Phd s research project “Life Design, Adaptability and Life satisfaction” , develops inside the approach Life Design, burned at the beginning of the economic crisis that now is enveloping the Western world, from international group of scholars. Life Design approach, aimed at providing  answers to the crisis. Life Design states that career problems are only “a slice of the pie” of individual life, and that people need to understand how to handle post-modern life. It should specify skills and knowledge for the analysis of non-linear causalities, ecological settings, multiple subjective contexts, and complex dynamics. Moreover, it emphasizes the need to support people to become experts in co-construction and life design processes, to anticipate and deal with career transitions, and to consider the hope for a foreseeable future, useful to individual’s future planning and behaviour, and career adaptability, that is a modern world workers’ essential resource to manage frequent career and life transitions. The uncertainties in the current socio-economic context and the future challenges (such as requests for low-paying job, injustice, low wages and exploitation, marginalization of vulnerable people, etc…), require activities research aimed to investigate the relationships between the variables on which the LD approach is focusing attention, such as the career adaptability, and new constructs such as hope, optimism, time perspective, resilience, courage, solidarity and cooperation, relevant to coping with the current work contextAuditor of the Italian Society for Vocational Guidance (SIO), she is member of the Italian Society of behavior analysis and modification and cognitive behavioral therapy “AIAMC and member of Italian Association of Psychology-AIP”.

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Laurie Simpson, Canterbury Christ Church University, Great Britain

Laurie Simpson is in the second year of a part-time MPhil/PhD at Canterbury Christ Church University having previously undertaken both a Masters and a Qualification in Career Guidance at this institution.  Her enthusiasm for her field has been developed through guidance practice in a secondary school and a college of further and higher education, and she has facilitated the steering of exemplary careers education in schools and colleges across Kent. She is currently working as a Career Consultant at Canterbury Christ Church University. With an interest in biographical and narrative inquiry, her research focuses on and considers career turning points. The intention is to explore the feelings, thoughts and emotions individuals experience at moments in time when they make what they feel are significant career decisions. These moments are then captured and thereby acknowledged by the individual using a creative practice, such as written or art-based, of their choice. The study is autoethnographical including moments from the researcher’s life as well as moments from the lives of others who are part of her cultural and social community. Layers of consciousness are explored reflectively and reflexively and the work demands an openness of mind in the research process. She has lived in Kent for more than twenty five years with her husband and children, who have now flown the familial nest.  A grandmother of one, she finds that her life is full of wondrous moments.

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 Laurent Sovet, National Conservatory of Arts & Crafts, France

Laurent Sovet is a PhD candidate in career counseling psychology at the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts (Conservatoire National des Arts et métiers) in Paris, France. His dissertation is conducted under the supervision of the Professor Jean-Luc Bernaud, and deals with a cross-cultural comparison about the relationships between career indecision and subjective well-being among college students from France, South Korea, Togo, and USA. His research interests reflect the interplay between career development, happiness, psychometrics, and cross-cultural differences. Recently, he joined a research group lead by his thesis director and focused on meaning of life and meaning of work in career counseling interventions. He can be considered as a hackademic always looking for opportunities to learn new things, new languages, new cultures, and start new projects. He received academic degrees in statistics and linguistics and is currently seeking for a Bachelor’s degree in educational sciences. He is also a junior lecturer at La Sorbonne University – Paris 3, teaching social psychology and psycholinguistic. After his thesis defense, he would like to become a faculty member by developing – nationally and internationally – interdisciplinary, collaborative, and translational research projects in the field of educational and career guidance, and by promoting flourishing as a key value in human development.

Tchasse Simo

Diana Tchasse Simo, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania

Diana Tchasse Simo is postgraduate in career designing from Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas and she is starting her PhD research in the same field. The topic of her research thesis is “Career adaptability of Lithuania students and self-funded international students” which rose from her interest in immigrants’ career development. She has served as Talents Manager for AIESEC ( before becoming a certified De Bono Trainer since 2012. She participated in numerous projects based on teaching E. de Bono thinking such as training Lithuanian school teachers on acquisition and application of De Bono thinking and thinking tools. She is very much interested in career design and redesign, Solution-Focused coaching for teams and organizations and previously mentioned E. de Bono thinking and thinking tools. She is passionate about adult education and training, which is her bachelor field of study. Currently stay-at-home mother of three children, she is based in Kaunas-Lithuania with her husband, who is an immigrant himself developing his career in Lithuania.


Tim Theeboom, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

Tim Theeboom. As a consultant and researcher he constantly aims to bridge the gap between research and practice, scholars and practitioners. Translating (positive) psychological knowledge into organizational practice (on both theorganizational and individual level) as a consultant, trainer and coach is his main strength and source of energy. His main topics being: Coaching (Topic of his PhD); Personal and professional development;Careers and employability; Well-being. As a consultant, he has mainly (but not exclusively) worked in the public sector. Specifically, he is very passionate about stimulating (anddelivering) meaningful education on all levels (primary, secondary, highereducation and professional training). In his personal life he has blessed with a wonderful wife, family and friends. He is passionate about cooking (and eating) together, reading (from fiction to eastern philosophy) and wildlife. Finally, he recently became avery motivated but terrible guitar player.

Ida Weidner

Ida Weidner, Aarhus University, Denmark

Ida Weidner. Hercurrent research project is an empirical study, which will examine how students make use of guidance counseling, and investigate the possibilities open to counseling in institutions of higher education. This will be based on the assumption that meaningful counseling takes the individual student as its point of departure and draws upon the student’s everyday life and surroundings. Theoretically a narrative and poststructuralist perspective guides me with a focus on power relations and on how the individual learns how to act according to his or her values through understanding the discourses he or she is part of. She is working at Copenhagen School of Business and Design where she is doing her current research. When her data collection is finished, she will furthermore be supervising and teaching both counsellors and teachers at the school, inspired by the Narrative method by Epston and White. She is enrolled at Aarhus University in the Department of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences as a PhD-student in Educational Psychology. Next year she will be teaching a seminar at the Master´s degree program in Psychology in Narrative Perspectives and Approaches to Guidance and Counseling.


 Nicole Wiench, University of Applied Labour Studies of the Federal Employment Agency (HdBA), Germany

Nicole Wiench studied education with the focus on adult education/further education, sociology and psychology at the Goethe University Frankfurt a. M., Germany with the degree Diplom-Pädagogin in 2013. Since 2013 she is research assistant at the University of Applied Labour Studies of the Federal Employment Agency (HdBA) in Mannheim, Germany. From 2010 to 2012 she was involved in the PraeLAB (prevention of dropout in VET) Erasmus Project. She has a strong interest in counselling as innovative dropout prevention, detecting and preventing dropout from higher education. Her research focuses on dropout in VET as a communicative action, the intra- and interpersonal communication, counselling and prevention of dropout.

Guests of the First Summer School

lodi Ernesto Lodi, University of Sassari, Italy

Ernesto Lodi, Clinical and Community Psychologist (University Degree in Rome “ La Sapienza”), Ph.D. in “Sciences of Vocational and Educational Guidance”. The main focus of his Doctoral Study was self-efficacy in activities that presume the use of  Multiples Intelligences in a framework of socio-cognitive theory of well being (Lent, Brown, 2008). He did 6 months research in Argentina like a research programme, part of the doctoral study. At this time he is working at “Orientazione”, an University Service of psychological counseling, he is also part of the Research Team working on Psychology and Law and Social Psychology directed by Prof. Patrizia Patrizi, Department of Political Sciences of the University of Sassari. His current research interest includes the relation between well being and the variables of positive psychology, he is involved in several research projects of vocational counseling for students in restricted situations such as students prisoners

Rosie McCready, Skills Development Scotland

Rosie McCready works for Skills Development Scotland (SDS) as a Labour Market Researcher and coordinates the SDS PhD Sponsorship Programme, which is a partnership initiative with the Scottish Graduate School of Social Sciences. SDS is the national skills body for Scotland and is a key provider of careers services in Scotland. She is part of the Evaluation, Research and LMI Team within SDS, which provides a range of specialist support to help careers advisors and other employees at SDS in providing high-quality services for our customers. SDS is currently supporting a number of PhDs on skills-related topics, including: The Transition from Education to Work; Job Quality; Employer Voice in the Skills System, Gender and Occupational Segregation in Apprenticeships; Social Networking and Career Management Skills; Career Pathways – does the route affect the outcome; and Models of Collaborative Working in Employability. SDS is also very interested in the wider aims of the ECADOC programme, to establish international research networks in career guidance and counselling across Europe, and welcomes the opportunity to be part of this exciting new endeavor.

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